Visit the Sexshop365 web site, choose anything you like from lingerie to sex toys then email me the details.

I'll wear/use the item how ever you desire then send it to you.

Please note payment must be received before items are ordered, a minimum surcharge of ?10/$15 will be made above the price of the item together with shipping charges.


Knowing I'm wearing my Panties for you really turns me on and gets my juices flowing, after taking them off I normally give them an extra wipe around my pussy to give you a real strong odour. If you wish me to wear my Panties for longer please add ?6 for each additional day.

Listed below are the more conservative fetishes I offer, but I also cater for the more bizarre fetishes that I will not list. Please email me and ask. I do not email details of what I willing to do, you have to ask.

Please note that Postage & Packing is included in the price. If you wish for your order to be delivered outside the UK, please use the International Price to order.

Worn (2Days)

I accept payment using NOCHEX



?19.00 / $28.50

Worn (3Days)


I accept payment using NOCHEX


?25.00 /$37.50

Cute Pink Panties

I accept payment using NOCHEX


?16.00 / $24.00

Fucked In Panties

I accept payment using NOCHEX


?23.00 / $34.50

Gym Workout


I accept payment using NOCHEX


?15.00 / $22.50

Piss/Peed In


I accept payment using NOCHEX


?18.00 / $27.00

Ass Soiled


I accept payment using NOCHEX


?15.00 / $22.50

Masturbated In


I accept payment using NOCHEX


?18.00 / $27.00



I accept payment using NOCHEX


?18.00 / $27.00



I accept payment using NOCHEX


?13.00 / $19.50

Black Latex Panties

I accept payment using NOCHEX


?17.00 / $25.50

Please email me with your fetish requests. If I decide to take you up on your request I shall email you back with a price, payment details, expected delivery schedule and an item code to enter at the Nochex interface.

Please note that I do not own all of the items listed above. On request/payment I will purchase your desired item, wear it, then send it to you.

? ??


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